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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod


Our principals bring their distinct educational and experiential backgrounds to attain successful outcomes and measurable results.

Employee Owned, Client Oriented

Coastal Engineering (now a part of Tighe & Bond) is dedicated to achieving your unique vision and objectives. With our combined experience in various aspects of the industry, we are positioned to work efficiently and comprehensively on the various aspects of your project. In addition to guiding the firm, our leaders are involved in the community as chairpersons of design committees, professors in academia, publishers in journals and lecturers at conferences and symposia.

John A. Bologna

John A. Bologna

Chief Executive Officer/President

Sean M. Riley

Sean M. Riley

Chief Operating Officer/Vice President

Suzanne M. Sullivan

Suzanne M. Sullivan

Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer

Donald K. Munroe

Donald K. Munroe

Marine Engineering Division Manager

Marshall H. Puffer

Marshall H. Puffer

Structural Engineering Division Manager

Chad A. Simmons

Chad A. Simmons

Technical Services Division Manager