Our innovative designs meet today’s tough environmental standards, while being ever mindful of the construction logistics and costs.
Our extensive experience in engineering and environmental analyses help clients determine the feasibility and scope of a land development project. Code/regulatory reviews, permitting inventories, preliminary layouts, timeline assessments, and cost estimates provide our clients with the information necessary to make informed decisions. Our detailed land surveys pay particular attention to significant natural and manmade features that could affect the success of the design. Critical features and setbacks are evaluated and integrated into our existing conditions plans and guide our conceptual designs.
All site development projects, big or small, require an engineered site plan that shows the location of proposed buildings, site improvements, utilities, grading, and roads and parking lots. Often topography, wetlands, soil conditions, and/or drainage concerns are major factors in development of an appropriate design. We provide the degree of plan detail necessary to assure that the design will be clearly understood and implemented as intended. Our staff has the experience with design solutions to meet any challenge, be it safety issues, regulatory requirements, stormwater management, or environmental issues. In addition to the plans, we offer advice in the planning and coordination of technical aspects of construction projects.
Our staff has the knowledge and experience to design your project in compliance with the requirements of the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook and local zoning and wetlands bylaws. We do this by preparing stormwater management plans, which include an operation and maintenance manual for stormwater facilities, best management practices aimed to control the source of pollutants that could be transported by stormwater runoff, as well as a spill response plan. Our designs utilize Low Impact Development (LID) practices such as vegetated swales, rain gardens, and bio-filtration basins to uptake pollutants through vegetative cover and then naturally filter stormwater runoff through soil layers.
Whether designing a conventional Title 5 subsurface sewage disposal system or a large wastewater treatment facility, our engineers design “value-engineered” systems by bringing together expertise in engineering, hydrogeology, and knowledge of construction logistics. We continually evaluate cost and performance of new and emerging wastewater treatment technologies so that we can advise our clients on the options available for their facilities. Because of this forward vision, our specifications meet and exceed the required level of treatment.