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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Markets Institutional Banner


When working on institutional projects, we are cognizant of the beauty and rich history of our environment.

From historic museums and churches to state-of-the-art schools and libraries, we strive to maintain the unique character of each project.

We also understand the value in identifying the client needs and working with design teams and project stakeholders early on to create an environment for project success.

Markets Institutional Schools Cape Cod Regional Technical High School


Featured Project
Cape Cod Regional Technical High School

Markets Institutional Libraries


Featured Project
Frederick Adams Heritage Center

Markets Institutional Museums Heritage Museum And Library


Featured Project
Heritage Museum and Library

Markets Institutional Monuments


Featured Project
Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum

Markets Institutional Performing Arts Centers

Cultural Centers

Featured Project
Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater (WHAT)

Markets Institutional Medical Outer Cape Health Services

Medical Facilities

Featured Project
Outer Cape Health Services Harwich

Markets Institutional Churches

Churches and Cemeteries

Featured Project
First Parish Church (Brewster Meeting House)