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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Coastal Engineering Company Lobster Roll Cruise 2023 2


We foster an environment of commitment, reliability, and excellent service

Our Mission

Providing solutions for the benefit of our clients and community.

Embodied in our mission is a commitment to doing the right thing in the right way and getting the right results. We adhere to a strong professional code of ethics to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality of service within the industry.

Our Values

Collaboration and Innovation

With engineers specializing in varying disciplines, we foster a team approach that incorporates the latest technologies to provide solutions that are responsive to our clients’ needs and reflective of our experience.

Honesty and Integrity

We conduct ourselves with integrity and are authentic and sincere. We keep our promises and honor our commitments to our clients, to each other and to our business partners.

Empowerment and Professional Growth

We are committed to the future strength of our business and the advancement of our co-workers. We offer mentorship and encourage individual initiative and continued education. It’s each employee’s responsibility to both drive and embrace progress.

Preserving Environment

As a Cape & Islands Green verified business, we integrate environmental compliance and best practices into every aspect of our business, from minimizing waste in our workplace to using green building technologies whenever possible. 

Strong Work Ethic

Our emphasis is on quality in client service and product, with a high level of dedication to the project at hand. We strive to understand the needs of each client and be accessible and attentive to their needs.

Work/Life Balance

We recognize our employees as our most valuable asset and appreciate the opportunity of a healthy work/life balance.

Our Gatherings

Those who play together, stay together. We enjoy recreational opportunities provided by this beautiful place we are lucky to call home.

Bowling Tournaments

The Coastal team won the Bowling for Beds HBRACC/HAC tournament Championship the second year in a row!

Golf Tournaments

Our employees participate in many golf tournaments to benefit local charities

Glendon Beach Cleanup

Twice a year, we clean up beautiful Glendon Beach in Dennis though the Town’s Adopt-A-Beach program

Lobster Roll Cruise

A great opportunity to connect in a relaxed, fun atmosphere


Wonderful potluck tradition

Holiday Party

Delicacies and dancing abound at our end of year celebrations!

About Culture Message From President

Message from the President

Thank you for your interest in our company! Coastal Engineering Co.'s corporate culture is focused on caring about our clients and their businesses, delivering quality professional services, and ultimately achieving project goals. Our staff of highly trained experts offers a depth of knowledge and experience tailored to our clients’ needs. From initial planning through engineering design, permitting and ultimately to construction completion, we will help you succeed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you and invite you to contact any of our dedicated project managers to find out how we may best serve you.

Culture Quote 1
“I’m a self-starter by nature, so I appreciate the opportunity to work independently and be in charge of my own projects and client relationships.”
Culture Quote 2
“Coastal provides plenty of “extracurricular activities” that let the employees be physically active, maintain a balanced spirit, mind, and body, and foster connections with friends. We founded the Coastal Running Club, and we also enjoy golfing, bowling, surfing, kayaking, and skiing with our colleagues.”
Culture Quote 3
“The fact that I work with such a team of dedicated, skilled professionals whose purpose is to deliver high quality engineering solutions really enhances my potential and motivates me to challenge myself to explore new areas of interest that can widen our client base.”
Culture Quote 4
“I feel like we are all a part of the family where everyone respects each other, and pulls together. I enjoy helping clients on a daily basis and take great pride in being the starting point of every client interaction.”

Join Our Team!

Convinced that Coastal Engineering is the company you want to work for?