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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
October 11, 2018

Architect and Engineering Company CEO Conference

Coastal Engineering Comapny CEO John Bologna, PE attended a forum for A/E firm leaders, designed as a platform to discuss industry trends, share ideas, and recharge batteries.

Architect And Engineering Company Ceo Conference 2

The Morrissey Goodale A/E CEO Event at Fenway Park is a sounding board for gaining new perspectives from industry peers. Together with an accomplished group of A/E executives led by industry experts Mick Morrissey and Mark Goodale, John participated in a series of vibrant, interactive “Think Tanks” which sparked conversations about:

  •     Emerging industry trends
  •     Critical market drivers
  •     Evolving best practices

The conference environment was very much about peer-to-peer mentoring, followed by an exclusive tour of Fenway Park and a Red Sox game. What a great day!