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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
January 23, 2019

Behind-the-Scenes Video: The Fish House Redemption

"The Fish House Redemption" is the second documentary in the ongoing series of short films diving deep into the creative process behind some of Coastal Engineering's most interesting recent projects.

The Fish House Redemption Cover

Why we do what we do? The answer is in our mission statement: to provide solutions to benefit our clients and community. In case of A.R.C. Hatchery's nursery located on Herring River in Harwich, MA, Coastal assisted the project legal team to reclaim the dilapidated fish house and transform it into a safe and productive commercial shellfishing facility. Originally intended to be demolished and rebuilt, the existing structure was instead elevated and supported by a new pile foundation. Coastal helped guide the project through a rigorous review and appeal process on both local and state levels. Ultimately, the fish house was successfully repaired and is now leased to A.R.C. Hatchery, a leading local aquaculture company supplying the majority of Cape Cod shell fishermen with high quality seed. Shellfish seeds feed on the nutrients thus improving water quality in Herring River. As shown in the video, the new A.R.C. nursery contributes to both the environment and the Blue Economy sector businesses - win/win!

Interested in Coastal's other documentaries? "Sandwich Marina Renaissance" is the first video of the series.