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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
December 19, 2017

Blue Economy Project Implementation Plan

The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce announced that it has released its Blue Economy Project implementation plan, and created the Cape Cod Blue Economy Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation, to support the project’s future initiatives.

Blue Economy Phase One Celebration

Funded by a grant from the Massachusetts Seaport Economic Council, the Project is spearheaded by the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Cape Cod Commission, and is aimed to promote actions that will foster growth in the region’s water-based economy. According to the implementation plan, "The Cape Cod region is driven by the water that surrounds us, steeped in maritime tradition and dedicated to innovation. We are a modern water-based economy that connects people to their environment, inspires learning, and exports our knowledge to the world."

To achieve this vision, the Blue Economy Project will focus work in the following three areas:

  1. A Vibrant Maritime and Technology Economy
  2. A Healthy Environment = A Healthy Economy
  3. A Prepared and Educated Workforce

The full implementation plan can be downloaded on the Project's website.

The video below summarizes the Project's intent: