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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
September 20, 2017

Homebuilding and Remodeling: Engineering Angles Workshop

John Bologna, P.E. presented at a public HBRACC class tailored to help homeowners navigate a home building or remodeling process smoothly.

Homebuilding Remodeling Workshop

A home building or renovation project is something most homeowners will go through only once or twice in their lifetime — so the Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Cape Cod has assembled a team of local industry experts - from architects and engineers to attorneys and contractors - to teach a series of affordable public classes tailored to help homeowners navigate the "land mines" and make the experience more efficient and enjoyable.

John Bologna, Coastal Engineering Co. CEO, together with Capizzi Home Improvement and Freeman Law Group LLC presented at the first of the 8-week home building and remolding education workshop series on Wed, Sept. 20, 2017. Titled "Legal Eagles & Engineering Angles", the presentation covered contract requirements as well as gave and overview of feasibility study phase, including valuable info on how to handle various zoning, permitting and site issues.