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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
February 26, 2019

CCYP House Design Contest Winning Plans Released

Cape Cod Young Professionals (CCYP) have published the architectural plans that won their Housing Design contest aimed to provide affordable and attractive housing designs for Cape Cod's year-round residents.

1 Alison Alessi A3 Ccyp Housing Design Contest

Local architects were asked to submit new prototypes for housing that was desirable for residential buyers or builders, in keeping with the unique village character of our region and, most importantly, attainable in price for young professionals and families living on the Cape as well as flexible for expansion. The three winning designs (one, two, and three bedrooms) are now available for download on CCYP website and can be used by potential homeowners, builders, developers, real estate agents, and the larger Cape community. In order to finalize the plans for permitting, each winning firm will need to be contacted as indicated in the corresponding proposals.