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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
April 14, 2022

Chatham Marconi's Antenna Trail Challenge

​You're invited to join Coastal Engineering in supporting Chatham Marconi Maritime Center in Chatham. The Center’s museum and educational programs preserve local radio communication history and promote knowledge of communication technology from Marconi’s spark to modern wireless.

Chatham Marconis Antenna Trail Challenge

Complete the challenge of your choice (400M, 5K, or half marathon) for a raffle of your choice. Walk, run, bike, drive, swim, sail, fly a drone - any means of motion qualifies in this virtual event.  When you have completed your challenge, report your result to 

Registration for any length challenge is $20, via

Participate Mon April 25 - Sun May 1, 2022

Hope you can join our staff in this challenge!