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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
September 19, 2023

Coastal Engineering Honored with 2023 Best Places to Work Award by Cape & Plymouth Business Media

Award nominations were based on team culture, hiring, training, customer and community service, and company communication.

Coastal Engineering Best Places To Work Award 2

Coastal Engineering is pleased to announce it has been selected as a Cape & Plymouth Business Media 2023 Best Places to Work honoree.

"Your company is doing great and we are thrilled to be able to share the news about what makes your company so special. Our voting committee got together and narrowed down the nominations, and as always it was a very difficult task. We loved seeing the variety in this year’s nominees. Each company seemed to ‘hit it out of the park’ when it came to engaging employees, community involvement, acknowledging achievements and beyond! Youre killing it out there, and literally have risen to the TOP", said Cara Cipullo, VP Marketing & Operations of Cape & Plymouth Business Media.

“We are grateful for being recognized as a Best Place to Work by Cape & Plymouth Business Media,” said John Bologna, Coastal Engineering's President/CEO. “We take pride in knowing that our company is one where employees can learn, grow, enjoy, and collaborate. We recognize that workplace is more than a salary and benefits; it’s about feeling appreciated, having purpose, and making a positive impact in our community.”

The honorees celebrated at an event on September 13 at the Cape Codder Resort in Hyannis. You can learn more about the great things Coastal Engineering is doing in the special issue of Cape & Plymouth Business magazine.