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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
March 20, 2018

Coastal Engineering Company Holds a Staff Retreat

In early March, Coastal Engineering staff took a break to meet and discuss ideas on how to further develop the company.

Coastal Engineering Staff Retreat 2018 9

In early March, Coastal Engineering's management team met to review the company’s strategic plan and set goals for the coming year. As a prelude to this meeting, the planning program was expanded by engaging the entire staff in an off-site retreat.

With offices in Orleans and Sandwich and many new people recently added to our team, it's important to be able to develop relationships with colleagues that we don’t interact with on a daily basis. A company-wide retreat gave us just this opportunity (Thanks Hog Island Beer Co. for the friendly atmosphere!)

Each employee participated in one of six breakout groups tasked with recognizing opportunities, drafting suggested actions, and making a presentation to the group. The topics included Community Outreach/Volunteerism, Office Environment/Social/Employee Activities, Mentoring of New Employees, Education/Training Programs, Emerging Technologies, and Business Development.

Many wonderful ideas were generated and later discussed at the Board Retreat for implementation. Everyone left energized and inspired to further improve the company work environment. Scroll down for more photos from the event!