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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
October 12, 2022

Congratulations to Cape Cod Community College on the New Science & Engineering Center

​The new building provides important access to the state-of-the-art facilities that open up wonderful opportunities for students interested in exploring career pathways in STEM

Cape Cod Community College Wilkens Science Engineering Center 6

In addition to beautiful modern classrooms which encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, the new Frank & Maureen Wilkens Science & Engineering Center includes teaching laboratories for the sciences, maker spaces for engineering, and faculty office spaces.

As a member of Cape Cod Community College's Education Foundational Board of Directors, Coastal Engineering President/CEO John Bologna recognizes the importance of the new building as an asset to the community: "Science and engineering technology play a vital role in serving the community. Training skilled resources and introducing students to newest technology in preparation to real world experiences is crucial in order to position Cape Cod economy into the future."