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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
November 11, 2020

Congratulations Austin Cahill on Peer Recognition Award

Engineering Technician Austin Cahill has been named the recipient of the 2020 Coastal Engineering Peer Recognition Award.

Austin Cahill Survey

CEC started the Peer Recognition Award in 2007 as a means for staff to recognize a colleague who they feel exemplifies a high standard of work quality, attitude, and teamwork. This year has presented unique challenges in the way we work together and apart and we are most grateful to our staff for their flexibility, understanding, and hard work. Congratulations to the 2020 Peer Recognition Award winner Austin Cahill, great job!

Austin Cahill works in everyone’s department, a true utility player. When the technical services division needed help, Austin got his wastewater operator’s license. Before a former employee retired, he tutored Austin on wetland identifications. When we bought a drone, Austin was the first person to get certified to operate it. When a project manager needs research done, Austin frequently gets the call. When Ginny is looking for field or lab reports, it’s Austin she turns to. We’re so happy to see Austin get this much deserved recognition!

Honorable mentions:

Jason Hastings (winner in 2009)

Virginia Warren (winner 2010, 2013, 2014)