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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
June 19, 2019

Congratulations to Outer Cape Health Services on Reopening the Newly Renovated Wellfleet Health Center

At Outer Cape Health Services' (OCHS) ribbon cutting ceremony last Friday, the Lower Cape community gathered to celebrate the reopening of the newly renovated Wellfleet Health Center.

Coastal Engineering Outer Cape Health Services Wellfleet

Brad Malo of Coastal Engineering Company (civil and structural engineers for the facility) joined Patricia A. Nadle, OCHS Chief Executive Officer, and other project team members who worked hard in planning, designing, constructing, and funding the health center renovation. Congressman Bill Keating spoke about Outer Cape’s vital initiatives in improving lives of the Lower Cape residents as this facility is the only health center between Eastham and Provincetown and serves nearly all the the residents and visitors in the area. The existing 52-year-old structure was the oldest standing community health center in Massachusetts, and now features modern, spacious exam rooms and allows staff to better serve the high volume of patients utilizing this facility for primary care, behavioral consultations, and health insurance enrollment. As a federally qualified health center, OCHS serves everyone in need regardless of their ability to pay and has similar centers in Provincetown and Harwich Port. Coastal Engineering is proud to have contributed to this important project.