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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
October 15, 2018

​Construction is Completed on Marshfield Harbormaster Office

The facility was designed by Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype Architects with engineering and permitting support from Coastal Engineering Co.

Marshfield Harbormaster Final 6

The new Marshfield Harbormaster Facility is constructed on the existing Town pier located at Green Harbor. The facility consists of two interconnected buildings, one a two-story structure to house the new Harbormaster Office, public restrooms, and storage, and the other a one-and-a-half-story garage structure. The structures are of conventional wood frame construction, supported on an elevated structural composite foundation with the lowest building floor and all proposed utilities situated above the FEMA base flood elevation for this area.

At the ribbon cutting ceremony, Harbormaster Mike DiMeo noted, “This is proof that great things do happen in great communities. Our modern maritime center is now the community focal point for this versatile and beautiful harbor. Without a doubt, this facility will play a pivotal role in our future.”