chevron-down chevron-with-circle-right cross magnifying-glass plus home4 bed city pencil-ruler pencil-ruler2 compass drop2 cog wrench hammer-wrench shovel factory2 clipboard-text register license2 library2 user-plus users2 cart-full new-tab lamp cord chart-settings balance briefcase ship2 golf2 file-charts magnifier cross2 plus2 chevron-down2 rulers
Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
May 02, 2017

Geek Girl Tech Con

Past weekend, Coastal Engineering Co. joined Cape Cod Geek Girl Tech Con, a full-day accelerated learning technology seminar.

Geek Girl Tech Con

The topics covered at this year’s conference ranged from digital marketing to strategic planning, CRM, cyber security, analytics, and more. It was great to see the old friends and make some new ones along the way! Another nice touch was a professional photoshoot organized by Michelle Kaye Photography.