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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
December 23, 2019

Holiday Party 2019

The Holiday Season is a time to gather and celebrate the things we are most grateful for. ​High on the list is celebrating our talented group of colleagues.

Coastal Engineering Co Holiday Party 2019 3

Coastal Engineering’s staff and guests celebrated the winter holidays on December 20, 2019 at The Fishermen's View in Sandwich. The beautifully decorated interior coupled with dynamic views of Cape Cod Canal provided a festive setting for socializing, merriment, and enjoying a delicious, locally-sourced, sit-down dinner.

The evening included recognition of two longtime employees marking significant anniversaries in 2019. John Rope celebrated 20 years with the company, and Chad Simmons 15 years. John Bologna and Sue Sullivan expressed their gratitude and presented them with a memorable gift.

We are grateful for the commitment, creativity, and high standards of our staff who make Coastal Engineering such a great place to work. With heartfelt thanks, we wish everyone a holiday season filled with joy, grace, and gratitude.