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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
August 01, 2019

Interactive Cape Cod Ponds Water Qaulity Tracking Tool Available Online

Association to Preserve Cape Cod has published an interactive online map that tracks the testing results for quality of water in local ponds.

Water Quality

Association to Preserve Cape Cod has published an interactive online map that reflects the testing results for quality of water in local ponds. Cyanobacteria, which are commonly found in the phytoplankton community of aquatic ecosystems, form the base of the food web of freshwater ponds and streams that flow into coastal estuaries and the ocean. As such, the presence of cyanobacteria is natural and important! However, overabundant cyanobacterial growth (called blooms) and their release of dangerous amounts of cyanotoxins degrades habitats and damages the environment. Exposure to cyanotoxins can have serious health implications for wildlife, humans, and pets, so consult this map before swimming in the ponds and protect the water by following these simple guidelines:

  • Use phosphorus-free cleaning products
  • Dispose of medication and hazardous waste at a town scheduled collection
  • If you fertilize your lawn, use slow release organic types and avoid herbicides and pesticides
  • Prevent runoff from your property by maintaining rain gardens and buffer zones composed of deep-rooted native plants that trap and filter storm wate
  • Clean up after your dog