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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
April 25, 2023

Jakob Baron Completes an Internship at Coastal Engineering

Jakob says he has been interested in engineering ever since he built a 1971 Chevrolet Vega with his dad from the ground up when he was 9 years old (pictured is his 1959 Cadillac Coupe de Ville which he also worked on).

Jakob Baron Completes Internship At Coastal Engineering

Jakob Baron attended Sandwich Public School until 6th grade, then switched to St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School, and later, St. John Paul II High School, where he is currently attending.

He calls his internship* at Coastal Engineering “life changing” and credits visiting with the CEO John Bologna the most: “John’s intelligence was extremely noticeable and admirable. I enjoyed the details of our conversation and the insight he gave me.” Jakob also says that each of the employees he met with provided insight on how to make his future career brighter and more fulfilling.

“Savannah gave me some great tips about what I will encounter in college and what I will see in the future of engineering. I enjoyed her specific personal thoughts on college and her experiences at Wentworth, considering it is one of the schools I entertained. Jenifer reminded me that although engineering is an amazing field, logistically speaking, you must be prepared to face municipal offices both on the town and state level. What Jenifer does is truly remarkable. While I was training with her, she was actively and efficiently working while also explaining to me in detail the processes which she goes through on a daily basis to back up the engineers. Damir showed me some significant projects he was working on, which gave me very good insight into the software that I would be using as an engineer.”

To those who are interested in an engineering internship, Jakob recommends coming prepared with questions: “Asking questions will allow you to use the internship to its full potential. No question is a wrong question when this is to assist with your future!”

After graduation, Jakob plans to attend Arizona State University and major in Automotive Engineering with a minor in Software Engineering at the Polytechnic Campus in the Barrett Honors Program. We enjoyed his enthusiasm and curiosity and wish him the best of luck at college!

*If you are interested in internships at Coastal Engineering Company, email us at