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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
May 04, 2023

John Bologna, P.E. Honored by the American Society of Civil Engineers

Congratulations to Coastal Engineering President/CEO John Bologna, P.E. on his remarkable achievement of Life Membership in the American Society of Civil Engineers! This elevated status recognizes his life long support and dedicated service to the civil engineering profession.

Jab Asce Life Member

John Bologna holds Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Civil Engineering from Rice University, Houston, TX. John started his career as a Project Engineer at CBM Engineers in Houston, TX where he was responsible for structural design work on several high-rise projects, and later worked as a Senior Engineer for Building Engineers of Houston, TX and Snyder Associates of Chatham, MA.

John joined Coastal Engineering in September 1988 and was responsible for the firm's structural and architectural engineering design work, first as Chief Engineer and later as Senior Vice President. In 2005, he transitioned into the role of CEO and President of Coastal Engineering and continues to serve in this capacity today.

ASCE Life Membership is a reminder of the dedication John has made to the engineering profession and the critical role he plays in building better communities, improving quality of life, and contributing to ASCE.