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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
June 13, 2018

Lower Cape Town Meetings Approve Articles Promoting Affordable Housing

Recent Eastham, Orleans, Harwich, and Brewster Town Meetings have moved forward several important housing initiatives.

2018 Town Meeting Approvals Affordable Housing

Below are the town meeting vote results as reported by Andrea Aldana, Director of Housing Advocacy at the Community Development Partnership.

Eastham approved:

  • Establishing a District of Critical Planning Concern that includes village-centered, mixed use zoning including “top-of-the-shop” apartments
  • Funding for the Campbell-Purcell community housing development

Orleans approved:

  • Establishing a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT) and a continuous funding stream of 1% funding for the MAHT
  • Funding for the Campbell-Purcell project in Eastham
  • Funding for a housing consultant
  • Funding for affordable housing pre-development

Harwich approved:

  • Establishing a new Harwich Affordable Housing Trust & associated funding for the Trust
  • Funding for a Habitat project

Brewster approved:

  • Switching their Affordable Housing Trust (AHT) to the preferred type which is a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT)
  • Purchasing a parcel of land for affordable housing that allows access to an existing town-owned parcel that has been set aside for housing, but was landlocked