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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
July 21, 2021

Marshall Puffer and Jason Hastings Present to Nauset Middle School Summer Program Students

Did you know that presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln were also surveyors? Nauset Middle School Summer Program Students learned that and many other fun facts at the Coastal Engineering presentation.

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Coastal Engineering Co. Senior Structural Engineering Project Manager (and Nauset graduate) Marshall Puffer, P.E. together with Lead Survey Technician and licensed drone pilot Jason Hastings participated in Nauset Middle School Summer Program. They shared their insights that led them to a career in engineering and surveying, explained what engineers and surveyors do, and offered a few activities that hopefully inspired the middle schoolers to begin to plan for their future with a deeper understanding of what is involved in this career. Engineering professionals in all disciplines are in high demand these days - and the demand is predicted to grow as much as 10% in the coming decade. If you know kids in grades 6-8 and would like to inspire them about a career in engineering, this is a great video to show them.