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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
February 16, 2021

Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum Elevator Cabin Has Arrived

We're thrilled to share that the Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum (PMPM) inclined elevator cabin has arrived!

Pilgrim Monument And Provincetown Museum Elevator Cabin Thumb

The Switzerland-designed elevator cabin will be part of an automated, 17.5-ton inclined elevator system that ferries visitors up an 85-ft slope to the top of High Pole Hill—and the Pilgrim Monument—from the streets of downtown Provincetown. It is similar to but different from a funicular, also rare in the United States, which requires a human operator to run it, with just 40 across the country. At 252 ft tall, the Pilgrim Monument is the largest, all-granite building in the United States. With 2020 marking the 400th anniversary of the pilgrims’ landing, the PMPM Trustees decided to move forward with a grand plan to connect the PMPM to the rest of the town as an ongoing legacy of the historic site. Read John Bologna's article about the project here.