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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
March 26, 2018

Sandwich Harbormaster Project Featured in Cape Cod Home Spring 2018 Magazine

The article written by Bill O'Neill and illustrated by Dan Cutrona is appropriately titled "Navigating the nuances". It highlights the nuanced work Coastal Engineering and Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects did to increasing resiliency and efficiency at one of the busiest marinas in Massachusetts.

2017 07 Sandwich Marina Cutrona 8221

It’s no easy thing to construct a new building at the water’s edge in a historic district in Cape Cod’s oldest town, but Sandwich had dire need for a new harbormaster’s building. A storm in 2015 brought over six inches of water into the old office, which was located at the end of a pier. The damage forced clerical staff to work off site, and the harbormaster and his deputy to work out of their trucks for two months. “The old building was tiny,” says Mick Dunning, who’s been deputy harbormaster since 2015. “We had four of us in a narrow building that was about 10 by 40. It wasn’t very well insulated, and during storms and moon tides the walkway flooded 6 or 8 inches.”

An unusually high tide in January 2018 flooded the old harbormaster’s building—again. Looking down, literally, on the old building, the staff was high and dry in the new building, which opened in late 2016... Read the full article on Cape Cod HOME website and check out our behind-the-scenes documentary about this project!