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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
December 21, 2017

Sandwich ZBA Gives Green Light To Affordable Rental Complex

The new townhouse development, which will be called Terrapin Ridge, is an exciting project for the Town of Sandwich because it's an opportunity to add affordable housing units where there is a great need.

Terrapin Ridge Conceptual Plan

The third time before the zoning board of appeals was a charm for the Women’s Institute for Housing and Development—a nonprofit group seeking to build affordable rental housing off Quaker Meetinghouse Road. The zoning board of appeals voted unanimously on Tuesday, November 28, to approve the comprehensive plan for 30 townhouses for moderate-income families that will complement existing townhouses along George Fernandes Way.

Coastal Engineering is proud to be the site engineer for the project. Tarja McGrail, P.E., civil engineer and the project manager, who works in a team with architect Kathryn Giardi, LEED A.P. of Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects Inc., says "The site design is very well thought out and the new development will be a great addition to Sandwich. Our design team proposed 8 residential buildings and a community building. The goal of the site layout is to create a community feel. This is accomplished by arranging the new buildings around a central green space that includes ample space for a community garden and a playground."

Read the full Cape News press release here.