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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
January 11, 2021

Sean Riley, P.E. Named Coastal Engineering Company Chief Operating Officer

​Effective January 1, 2021, Sean Riley, P.E. has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer of Coastal Engineering Company.

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This move represents the ongoing efforts of Coastal Engineering’s leadership to implement a succession plan that will allow the company to continue serving our clients and community well into the future. In Sean’s new role as COO, he will oversee the daily operation of the company and the activities of the Division Managers. Those who have worked with Sean know him to be a highly skilled professional dedicated to client service and the success of the organization.

Sean joined Coastal Engineering’s Civil Engineering Department in January 2000 and brings over 25 years of civil and environmental engineering expertise. Additionally, he serves as a Project Manager providing site planning, development, and engineering design.