chevron-down chevron-with-circle-right cross magnifying-glass plus home4 bed city pencil-ruler pencil-ruler2 compass drop2 cog wrench hammer-wrench shovel factory2 clipboard-text register license2 library2 user-plus users2 cart-full new-tab lamp cord chart-settings balance briefcase ship2 golf2 file-charts magnifier cross2 plus2 chevron-down2 rulers
Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
September 05, 2018

Summer Picnic 2018

What a fun annual tradition Coastal Engineering's Summer Picnic is! Once again, we got to meet the families of our coworkers while enjoying pool, lawn games, and lobster that make it a truly "Summer on Cape Cod" event!

Summer Picnic 2018 5

What a fun annual tradition Coastal Engineering's Summer Picnic is! Once again, we got to meet the families of our coworkers while enjoying pool, lawn games, and lobster that make it a truly "Summer on Cape Cod" event!