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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
April 21, 2022

Taylor-Bray Farm Barn Foundation is Under Way

Coastal Engineering provided structural engineering services required to stabilize the existing timber frame barn on a new foundation.

Coastal Engineering Structural Engineering Taylor Bray Barn Foundation Is Under Way

The Taylor–Bray Farm is a rare survivor of the type of the historic property that characterized agricultural life in Plymouth Colony during the 18th and 19th centuries. Throughout its history, the barn had undergone a process of change and maintenance that continues to this day.

Coastal Engineering designed a new foundation and first floor framing for the barn. During the construction, cribbing (which reminds of giant Jenga blocks) was used to pick up and move the entire building. Steel needle beams were used to support the structure inside the building to stabilize it before rollers were used to move it. Watch the video to see the fascinating process!