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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
June 05, 2019

Turn, Tern, Turn

Discover the fascinating process for steel sculptures molding.

Turn Tern Turn 2

Eric Kaiser, the artist who is creating the Turn, Tern, Turn for sculpture for the HyArts Discovery Walk Project, reported yesterday that the local bird sculptures he's working on have been cast in wax, soon to be "lost". He proceeded to explain his fascinating process for steel sculptures molding: "These wax castings were made from the original wood carving original used to make a silicon mold. A ceramic slurry will be cured around the wax figures. Molten stainless steel will be poured into the ceramic mold and the wax melted out, leaving the steel form to be hammered free from the ceramic encasing." 

Coastal Engineering Company (CEC) is providing structural engineering consultations and drawings for the sculpture foundation.