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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
July 30, 2019

Turn, Tern, Turn!

It's exciting to see all the progress being made on Turn, Tern, Turn sculpture, for the foundation of which we are providing structural engineering consultations and design drawings.

Turn Tern Turn 4

Eric Kaiser, the artist who is creating the Turn, Tern, Turn for sculpture for the HyArts Discovery Walk Project, reported yesterday that he went, once again, to beautiful Lancaster PA to oversee the assembly of the Terns. Eric got to spend some time with a prominent American sculptor named Bart Walter who has worked with an English primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall and has done some major zoo installations along with many prestigious shows. Eric "solicited Bart's eye" to align the birds for welding and was encouraged to make them a little bit "off".  It turned out to be the right decision! The photos show the welding happening and Eric starting to polish the sculptures. You can see the transformation from a dull cement-like surface to the surface starting to look a little more like stainless steel. Eric says: "I love the look of stainless, I think it is more beautiful than silver-but boy, is it a hard material!" Coastal Engineering Company (CEC) is pleased to be providing structural engineering consultations and drawings for the sculpture foundation.