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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
May 15, 2017

Unmasking Autism

Coastal Engineering Co. was a Presenting Sponsor at Unmasking Autism fundraiser for Cape Cod Village, an assisted living community for adults with autism.

Unmasking Autism

Planned to be built in Orleans center, the community is specifically designed by Coastal Engineering Co. team to meet the unique needs of the residents, yet feel like home, with features like accessible bathrooms, common laundry rooms and kitchens, staff rooms, and private bedrooms.

Cape Cod Village was founded in 2011 by Bob and Lauren Jones, clinical social workers from Orleans, Massachusetts and the parents of a young adult son with autism. Recognizing the need on Cape Cod for opportunities and safe and supportive residential housing, they began meeting with other parents who shared similar concerns. From these meetings Cape Cod Village was born, founded on core values of dignity, inclusion, health and safety, and innovation. 

This is an ambitious project, and one that is fueled by commitment and passion. It will “take a village”  to build this village, and fundraising is still under way - if you too would like to support this dream, please visit the Cape Cod Village website.