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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
October 17, 2022

Using Feet to Help Our Finned and Flippered Friends

Many thanks to our runners for supporting The National Marine Life Center via the Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K this weekend!

National Marine Life Center 5K 2

It was a beautiful Saturday morning when our Project Manager Catherine Ricks, Wasterwater Treatment Plant Operator Austin Cahill, and Marketing Coordinator Ksenia Pryme ran the 5K to benefit The National Marine Life Center - a non-profit marine animal hospital and science/education center located in Buzzards Bay. Their mission is to rehabilitate and release stranded marine mammals and sea turtles (learn more about their work at Thank you to our runners for staying fit while at the same time helping to advance science in marine wildlife health and conservation. Special kudos to the youngest member of our team - Catherine's son, who won the first place in his age group!