chevron-down chevron-with-circle-right cross magnifying-glass plus home4 bed city pencil-ruler pencil-ruler2 compass drop2 cog wrench hammer-wrench shovel factory2 clipboard-text register license2 library2 user-plus users2 cart-full new-tab lamp cord chart-settings balance briefcase ship2 golf2 file-charts magnifier cross2 plus2 chevron-down2 rulers
Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
April 07, 2020

Working Remotely

We thought it would be interesting to share how Coastal Engineering employees are dealing with working remotely by sharing our new work spaces and quarantine hobbies.

Cec Remote Work 3

Judging by the photos we received, a lot of Coastal employees are really enjoying the company of our new coworkers. Meet Hunter and Koda from the Survey Department, who both say hi! In the meantime, our Marketing Specialist has added chicken farming to the list of her skills. And how gorgeous is the green oasis of our Home Receptionist Command Center? From all of us at Coastal Engineering, stay calm, stay connected, stay productive, stay safe, stay positive, and stay healthy!