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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
July 12, 2018

Harwich Sewer Connection Presentation Now Open for Registration

Coastal Engineering will hold two free information sessions at Harwich Community Center to assist East Harwich property owners with planning their upcoming sewer connection.

Harwich Sewer Connection

Town of Harwich is in the process of designing a municipal sewer main for East Harwich. Planning now for the future sewer connection, before the municipal sewers are designed in January 2019, can help to minimize the amount of disruption to each property during construction. Coastal Engineering would like to assist property owners with engineering design services to prepare a Sewer Connection Plan for them. We will hold two free information sessions at Harwich Community Center: one on Monday, August 6, 9am-Noon and the other on Wednesday, August 15, 3-6pm. Content will be the same, so pick the date and time that works best for you! Registration by August 1, 2018 is encouraged to reserve a free seat, but walk-ins are also welcome. Click here for free registration and more information.