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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
April 01, 2024

Ribbon Cutting Marks Opening of Police Station in Provincetown, MA

At a recent ribbon cutting ceremony, the Provincetown community gathered to celebrate the newly constructed $17 million Provincetown Police Station. Vice President John Bologna joined Provincetown Town Manager, Chief of Police, members of Select Board and Building Committee, Flansburgh Architects, and other project team members responsible for project planning, design, and construction.

Provincetown Police Station

This notable capital improvement initiative reflects a nearly decade-long effort to provide citizens with a modernized police station.

Prior to the construction of the new building, the department had used a former funeral home as its headquarters. Deficiencies, building code violations, and periodic flooding had plagued the building, in addition to its inability to accommodate modern communication equipment.

Approved by the town voters, the new station is a 13,900-sf, two-story building prominently located at the intersection Route 6 and on Jerome Smith Road, the main highway through which most visitors enter the town. We provided land surveying services to create a new parcel for the police station, as well as civil engineering plans for site grading, utilities, sanitary sewage, stormwater drainage, and parking lot design which avoided disturbance of the existing town owned on-site disposal system. The site improvements were coordinated with two other Town projects: The Shank Painter Road improvements at the intersection with Route 6, and the proposed Town sewer pump station expansion at the Veterans of Foreign Wars property across the street.