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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod


Our latest press, news, events and other updates.

Lower Cape Town Meetings Approve Articles Promoting Affordable Housing

Recent Eastham, Orleans, Harwich, and Brewster Town Meetings have moved forward several important housing initiatives.

Artificial Reef Brings Marine Life to Nantucket Sound

The artificial reef, built about two miles south of the entrance to Saquatucket Harbor by reusing the demolished Harwich High School concrete rubble, is continuing to team with marine life.

Chatham Selectmen Back Plans for Improvements at Ryder's Cove

The approval follows Ryder’s Cove marine facility conceptual study performed by Coastal Engineering under a contract with the Town of Chatham.

Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum Receives $200,000 Grant for Bradford Access Project

Funding awarded by Mass. Cultural Council will go toward design and construction of a funicular which will carry visitors up the hill from Bradford Street.

Coastal Engineering Volunteers Clean Up Glendon Beach in Dennis

The clean-up is a part of Town of Dennis Adopt-A-Beach program, designed to help keep our beautiful beaches clean and safe.

Michael H. Cole Charity Golf Tournament

Back-to-back charitable events continue with Michael H. Cole Golf Tournament. Coastal Engineering Co. team shot three under par with a score of 68!

Using Feet to Help Our Finned and Flippered Friends

Many thanks to our runners for supporting The National Marine Life Center via the Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K!

Staff Cookout Brings Employees Together

Coastal Engineering employees enjoyed a lunchtime cookout this past Thursday.

Coastal Engineering Volunteers for Brewster in Bloom Festival

The spring is officially here! We had lots of fun last weekend volunteering at the Brewster in Bloom celebration organized by the Brewster Chamber of Commerce.