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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod


Our latest press, news, events and other updates.

Coastal to Design Weymouth Beach Connection

The Town of Weymouth has selected Coastal Engineering Co. to design and permit a fully-accessible pedestrian walkway between two public beaches.

Global Flood Map

Flood is one of the most costly natural hazards in the world, yet most flood loss is both predictable and preventable.

New Break in Chatham’s South Beach

Storm-driven waves plowed through a low-lying washover on April 1 and carved out a new inlet connecting the Atlantic Ocean and Nantucket Sound.

Virtual Reality for Architects

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are emerging technologies that can prove to be valuable tools for improving design, communication, workflow and presentations.

A House with History

We invite you to dive into the fascinating past of the Capt. Elijah Cobb House as narrated by Laurel Kornhiser.

Creative Placemaking

What happens when engineers and artists get together?